May 7, 2022
Confident Trust
Your confidence level depends on how much you trust in God. When you put your confidence in God, you won’t choose to act solely on what you can see; you will also value what is unseen. That’s faith.
Read more..Your confidence level depends on how much you trust in God. When you put your confidence in God, you won’t choose to act solely on what you can see; you will also value what is unseen. That’s faith.
Read more..Sometimes when we’re wrestling with difficult and unexplainable circumstances such as the loss of family member, a diagnosis of cancer, or the loss of a job, it’s hard to be able to rest in God and trust Him.
Read more..The day I found Philippians 2:13 in the Bible I was very excited. I was beginning to understand that I didn’t have to change myself. God would change me and this verse confirmed it.
Read more..Are we looking at the wrong things to be our “Enough”? Or could it be we’re looking in the wrong places?
Read more..PRAYER: Lord, I am struggling. I want to be okay with my present circumstances but I can’t get there. I admit I want something else. Show me how to be at peace. Amen.
Read more..Wherever your peace place is, go there. Take a few deep breaths. God will meet you. Just as He met His Son on the night before the most important day of His ministry. We all need a break now and then.
Read more..Living in harmony doesn’t mean overlooking differences or living without boundaries. No, it means being willing to be a “peacemaker”, not simply a “peacekeeper”.
Read more..Dear one, can you picture this? God must purify us to burn away the garbage in our life, but won't go beyond what we can bear.
Read more..You are not meant to be tumbling in the undertow; you are meant to soar. Because Christ lives in you, you can live triumphantly.
Read more..How often do we beat ourselves up about some past sin or hurt that we have done in our lives? Why do we do this?
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