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The Heroism of Job

Through seasons of suffering and loss, when things seem most dark, remember to praise my God, in spite of the circumstances.

Naked I came from my mother’s womb, naked I’ll return to the womb of the earth. God gives, God takes. God’s name be ever blessed.” Job 1:21 (Msg)

Let’s just say Job is not the most popular name on the baby name sites. We like to name our children after the typical heroes, names that can bless them with a future of power and strength. Job’s name is synonymous with suffering and loss. And yet, Job is someone we can hold up as an example of strength, patience, grace, love, friendship with God and the ultimate comeback.

Several years ago, I attended a weekend retreat in the mountains in Taipei. We were organized in groups and had to choose a person from the Bible to represent our table. Our table chose Job. “What?”  I thought, but trusted that God would show up in this seemingly strange choice. The light came on for me when we created a one-sentence mantra to describe our hero. I still remember it:  “Job, a humble, but wealthy man who praised God, in spite of his circumstances.”

Job holds out a life story that, in the end, is noteworthy. He walked through the pain and came out admirable.

Through seasons of suffering and loss, when things seem most dark, do I remember to praise my God, in spite of my circumstances? Job continues to remind me that everything I have is a gift.

Reflect: What are you thankful for today?

by Idelette McVicker
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

Depression Story – There is Hope – Merri Ellen Giesbrecht tells her depression story and her story of hope

 Afraid of Being called a ‘Religious Fanatic” – Norm Brown’s story

•  Salvation Explained

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