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Commitment 2

by Idelette McVicker

Let your “Yes” be yes, and your “No,” no …” James 5:12

What do we really mean when we say “yes” to someone or something?

Commitment requires that we come alongside a person or cause and make a deposit. We are required to give of ourselves; not just camp out. Commitment requires us to dig in our heels and give where we’re at until we are released. Sometimes it’s hard for me to say “no”  to something. I like to be involved in a variety of projects, but when I don’t make my unique deposit when I say “yes”  I am not truly fulfilling my commitment.

It’s easy to drift along when most people around us have a ‘grazing mentality.’ Jesus, however, takes commitment very seriously. In fact, He committed His life. He was willing to make His whole deposit while He was here on earth with us. He didn’t just pass through until His time came to go Home. He knew that He was meant to bring us all of Himself.


Lord, please help me understand the full meaning of my “yes” when I commit to a person, a project or a cause. Help me make my unique and beautiful deposit where You call me.

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