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Submission Guidelines

Would You Like to Write for Us?

Website Content Submission Guidelines for Thoughts about 

As you will have noticed, our content is written by Christians with a Christian perspective.  Please familiarize yourself with our Mission some of our content and our Statement of Faith to ensure that your content is compatible with our website.  If you do not agree with our Statement of Faith please do not send in your submission.  Please keep in mind that we have an international audience so content we review should not be focused on any one country or culture.  It needs a universal understanding.

Thoughts About God is a non-profit organization and as such does not pay for content.

Our website is viewed by over 450,000 people in over 180 countries each month, in addition over 17,000 people subscribe to our daily email devotional blog called ‘Two Thoughts for Today’ and these devotionals are also on Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,  and Instagram. What we can offer you as a writer is exposure. We always include a bio with each article published and will happily link back to your site and provide a way for people to get in contact with you.

Because we are a non-paying market, we ask for reprint rights only.
All copyright remains the property of the owner. Thoughts about God will not grant permission for a third party to reprint your content. We will forward any reprint requests on to you providing we have a current email address for you on file.

  1. Thoughts about God publishes non-fiction only and 500 – 700 words. People reading Internet articles do not read long articles.
  2. The devotional articles should not be more than 350 words.
  3. Submission of your article does not signify acceptance for publication. Publication is at the sole discretion of the editorial staff.
  4. Reviewing takes up to two weeks.
  5. All articles are subject to editorial review and possible editing.

We look forward to reading your articles/personal stories.

Thoughts About God Staff Team

Please use the form below to send us links to your work or to correspond with us regarding potential submissions for our devotionals or website.
