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“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14 NASB

Setting new goals doesn’t have to be associated just with New Year’s resolutions. We’re free to set them at any time throughout the year for any number of things. We only have to be motivated or inspired by someone or some new concept or vision.

I will.
I was particularly impressed when our young teenager set his “I Will” goals. Following the example set by his parents he determined to set stretch goals in his early morning workout routine for the exercise machine, weights and core strength training. It was pretty inspiring to me! Most teens prefer to sleep.

Reflecting on my spiritual growth goals I made the commitment many years ago that I will follow Jesus. Setting values, standards and goals around lifestyle, choices, Bible study, friendships, places I go, how I spend my time all factor in to my journey of faith.

I can.
By trusting the Lord each day I can face life and its troubles and challenges. I lean on God and depend on His wisdom and guidance. I pray and He listens to me. I press on because I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. He will never leave or abandon me in the midst of the storms.

I am.
It encourages me to remember that I am a child of God. As I draw closer to Him in relationship He lifts me up and holds me in His hand. He comforts, guides, protects, and empowers me according to His will. As His child I enjoy all the benefits of having Him as my Father: blessing and favor and an eternal  home in heaven with Him

– the ultimate goal to have.

Lord, help me to press on with my goals as I seek to please, serve, honor and glorify you.

What goals have you set for yourself?

By Karen Huffaker
Used by Permission

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Pressing On – by Katherine Kehler

•  God’s Strength to Persevere

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