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We Plan – God Directs

“‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD” Isaiah 55:8

We were travelling to California with our RV. We planned to work out of the RV (my husband on the phone and me on the computer) from a place that was both warmer and sunnier than our home in British Columbia.

The truck was doing a good job of pulling the RV over the mountain passes and we were enjoying the trip; however, unknown to us, the motor had a major weakness and traveling over the mountain passes was too much and we had to stop to have it repaired. We were told it would take a week. That was not part of our plan, but we both realized God had stopped us at this place for a reason.

Marvin quickly had his flight schedule changed so he could fly to Orlando from Sacramento. I was very thankful there was an Internet connection in the office building that I could use and keep on working while the truck was being repaired.

We were in a very small town – everyone seemed to know each other. They were friendly and weren’t in a hurry. They seemed to enjoy life. We often ate in a little restaurant called, Cozy Cow Café – their home-made food was delicious. Our stay was a good thing.

So often we make plans, but God has other plans for us. We knew God had stopped us there so we could make Christ known. We made friends with our neighbors and talked about the Lord with some of them. We left business cards at the office to direct people to the Retirement With a Purpose and Secrets of Success websites.

But most importantly, I think God wanted us to stop there, in that quiet town, so we could have an extended quiet time with Him. It was very good.

God continues to amaze me with how He directs us. Let’s remember to be flexible and not resist His leading. He always has something good planned for us.

We left for our planned destination a week after the truck broke down, but we have so many fond memories of the little town in California – the week God had planned for us.

Father, I thank You for the wonderful time we had in the small town. Thank You for changing our plans. Thank You for meeting us there. You know what is best for us. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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