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Try Tithing

“Bring all the tithes…so there will be food enough…if you do, I will open up the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing so great you won’t have room enough to take it in! Try it! Let me prove it to you!” Malachi 3:10

An email with an interesting challenge came to me today. The email read, “I need your help. I am behind on a lot of bills. I am a waitress and each day I try to put back my tithes that I have made that day. But the bill collectors are calling and it seems that I need money to make ends meet. What do I do? I need spiritual help.”

Seems like she isn’t the only person struggling with tithing when she can hardly pay her bills. Let me give you the answer I gave her:

In the natural way of thinking, tithing doesn’t make sense if you are in debt; however, let me give you a promise from God:

Bring all your tithes…if you do, I will open up the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing so great you won’t have room enough to take it in. Try it! Let me prove it to you” (Malachi 3:10).

God promises that if we give Him the first tenth of our income, He will pour out a great blessing on us.

This has been our way of life (Marvin’s and mine) for all of the years we have been married and we certainly have been blessed. When we were very poor and when we had much.

But let me tell you a story about another waitress that illustrates this point. I used to lead a Bible study for businesswomen in Vancouver BC. Our waitress would linger and listen to our discussions. One week, we were discussing tithing and the waitress was very cynical. But the next Sunday, she decided to put a tenth of her weekly tips into the offering plate at church.

You can imagine her surprise when at the bus stop the next morning she found a significant amount of money lying on the ground. God has a sense of humor and He does keep his promises. I would encourage you to try it. He does keep His promises.

Dear Father, You have given us so many gifts we never open. Today, I ask that each woman and man that reads this devotion would give their tithe as soon as they get their pay check and let them be surprised by what You will do in response. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   The Generosity Habit
•  Heart Fully Committed to Him
•  Salvation Explained

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