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Bread of Heaven

*Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more*

I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry...”  John 6:35

A friend and I are working together to motivate and encourage each other to lose weight. One of the things we’ve discovered—to our disappointment!—is that most popular weight loss diets warn against the consumption of bread. Especially any bread made with refined flour. Such admonitions spell disaster for my attempts to lose weight since bread–of any kind–fall just centimeters away from chocolate on my list of favorite foods.

But I wonder…do I crave the poet’s “bread of heaven” as much I crave a slice of chewy, crusty sourdough? Does the aroma of Christ entice me to His presence like the fragrance of bread fresh from the oven?

It’s almost always the first bite of good bread that whets the appetite for more, and the pattern is similar in our walk with Jesus. Getting into the habit of spending small, delicious times with Him—reading one or two Bible verses, sitting quietly in His presence responding in conversation to what we’ve read, carefully examining our own needs and those of others as we pray–this is the practice of feeding on the Bread of Life. And this “diet” has no restrictions!

Father, help me crave all that you so willingly offer me so that I can enjoy spiritual health.

How do you regularly feed on the Bread of Life? What are some of the results from such meals?

*From Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah* by Wm. Williams

by Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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