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Don’t Forget How You Got Where You are

When God ushers you into the land He promised – When you take it all in and settle down, make sure you don’t forget how you got there: GOD brought you!

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 6:6-12 (The Message Paraphrase)

In the movie, “Fun with Dick and Jane,” a modern, successful married couple living in a beautiful home in an upscale neighborhood find their comfortable world crashing down around them when economic events – most outside their control – combine to bring utter chaos into their lives.

Billed as a comedy (and there are many laugh-out-loud scenes), there is also frightening reality tucked into the film. Many people today find themselves going from comfortable, if not luxurious, financial situations to a paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle, or even something more drastic.

In our modern world where success is frequently seen as primarily the result of self-effort and hard work, and where we are often taught that such success is one of our “inalienable rights,” it becomes all too easy to forget that the Creator God has allowed any blessings we enjoy. God warns that forgetting Him comes at a cost far greater than any economic downturn. We can easily lose the only always-true compass point for our lives when we allow our egos to take precedence over the only One who offers complete satisfaction and joy.

Thank you, Father, for your great love and grace. Help me never forget that you are the only one who provides.

by Marilyn Ehle
used by permission