“If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (TNIV)
“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation…” 1 Peter 2:2
Here I am, preparing again to go to the gym for a strenuous workout. For a person who finds the most pleasurable exercise to be turning the pages of a book, these experiences are not high on my Happiness List.
Nine months ago I was the recipient of a new knee. The surgeon assured me that—in time—my mobility would be back to normal with a limping gait and constant pain only a distant memory. The key words in his prognosis were “in time.” While there have been no physical complications, recovery has not been without its challenges.
First there were six weeks of therapy at the hands of a skilled, persistent and somewhat compassionate professional. She pushed, prodded, encouraged and challenged me to increase my “range of motion.” Finally I reached the goal and was released from her care.
But that wasn’t the end. Surgeon and therapist both insisted that I continue an exercise program so that eventually I could be fully functional. Because discomfort was still present, warm water exercises were first on the list. Then it was on to the treadmill. My goal of a half mile seemed embarrassing as I saw people far older than I zipping along for three miles. And that was after they had lifted weights and pedaled a bike.
Yes, I have a new knee. But now comes the necessary process of strenuous training so I can continue glorifying God by participating in whatever activities He chooses for me in His Kingdom. “The old has gone, the new is here!” The Apostle Paul also wrote that he consistently disciplined his body so that he could be ready for whatever future God chose.
But there is something far more crucial than keeping one’s body as healthy as possible for Kingdom activity. Just as going to the gym strengthens my muscles and increases my capacity for further action, the discipline of solitude and silence to hear God’s voice and the study and application of scripture provides nutrition for daily living.
New knees are wonders of medical science. New people are wonders of God’s love.
Thank you, Father, for all the new ways you work in my life. Help me be disciplined enough to stick to the exercises you desire.
By Marilyn Ehle
used by permission
• A Healthy Heart – by Marilyn Ehle
• All Stressed Up and Nowhere to Go
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