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When God Shuts the Door

“Then the Lord shut him in.”  Genesis 7:16b

Often when I feel that God is shutting the door on me “when it seems as though He’s depriving me of something desperately wanted” it’s only another step to a full-blown Pity Party:

Why me? Why now? Doesn’t He know how much I want this?”

But when God closed the ark’s door on Noah, it’s evident that God’s action was for protection and safety, not to withhold blessing and joy. Something terrible was about to happen and God was providing security for His faithful servant.

Small children whine and pout when parents say “no”, not recognizing that the candy bar will spoil their appetite, that the plastic toy will readily break, that lack of sleep will harm their health. God knows that instant gratification will spoil me for the best in life, that settling for second best will often cause heartache, that lack of self-discipline will make me soft instead of strong. And so He “shuts the door.”

Lord, help me to see the doors you shut as new openings to Your love. Amen.

by Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Disappointments – by Doug Lim

•  God’s Perspective on Hope in Disappointment – by Sylvia Gunter

•  Salvation Explained