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Just How Bad Could it Get?

by Marilyn Ehle

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”  Romans 8:28

These words were written approximately ten years before their author, a Jewish-scholar-turned- Christian named Paul was killed, probably beheaded by authorities determined to wipe out the rapid spread of Christian thought and practice. Paul wrote the words at a high point of his career (although by this time there had been many extremely low points as well), at a time when he wanted to encourage other followers of Jesus Christ.

I have no doubt that he recalled those confident words many times as his life took on the varied faces of tragedy, especially while a prisoner aboard a ship tossed about and ultimately broken into pieces, a two-week period when neither sun nor stars appeared, when even seasoned sailors were ready to throw themselves into the sea to avoid being dashed upon the rocks.

All things work together for good.”  Only when we, like Paul, have discovered that God is good, that He can be trusted that He loves with everlasting love can we live with peace during the storms of life. We can experience this peace that Paul also described as “transcending understanding”   a peace that “guards our hearts and minds.

Paul didn’t know how bad it would get. And neither do we. But he knew God and that made all the difference.

Father, help me trust you in the easier days of life so that such trust becomes a deeply ingrained habit for the days that will be more difficult.

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