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Lessons from Odd Places: Ingredients

Ingredients are important!

My daughter once attempted to make a cake with a cup of baking soda rather than a cup of flour. Needless to say the result was disappointing. Good relationships have several ingredients in the recipe. One ingredient that seems to come to the top of the list by many relationship experts is kindness. They suggest simple acts of kindness can build a strong fabric in a relationship.

Let’s start with a definition:

Kindness the tendency to be sympathetic and compassionate, an act that shows consideration and caring. (Encarta Dictionary)

I’m sure we all can remember a simple kindness that meant a lot.  I was on a trip, working in a coffee shop between appointments. The waiter went out of his way for me. All I bought was a cup coffee and a danish but I left him a $20 tip. Why? It was because that day his simple kindness touched me. (I have never left a $20 tip before or since.)

Today think of ways you could add kindness to the fabric of your relationships. Maybe it is an expression of appreciation through a simple thank you. Maybe it’s a helping hand. It could be a small but thoughtful gift. Coffee or chocolate always works for me.

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”  St. Paul – Ephesians 4:32

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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