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Questions for 2025

Published on January 3, 2025

Each of you has been blessed with one (or more) of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well. If you have the gift of speaking, preach God’s message. If you have the gift of helping others, do it with the strength that God supplies. Everything should be done in a way that will bring honor to God because of Jesus Christ, who is glorious and powerful forever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-11 (CEV)

2025 is Upon Us! I’ve been thinking a lot about personal goals and what I want to change this year.

A general question someone asked me years ago has stuck with me: “If I keep doing what I’m doing now, will I be where I want to in one year, five years or ten years?” I’ll ask you the same in regards to your spiritual walk – if you keep doing what you are doing today, where will you be by the end of this year? In five years? In ten? Are there things that need adjustments? Are you using your God-given gifts to impact your world and make a difference?

As I think about my walk with Christ this year, three questions come to mind:

  1.  Are there any activities, books, seminars, or men’s groups I could join that will teach me something new?
  2.  What one or two things can I do in 2025 that will make me be a better reflection of Christ?
  3.  Where does Christ want me to give special attention to in 2025?

– Physical
– Relational/Family
– Financial
– Spiritual
– Intellectual
– Professional

I know from past experience my chances of success go way up if any action step or goal is clear, makes it into my weekly schedule, and I have some form of accountability. I’d like to challenge each of us to pray through and answer each question above, then make goals that will be incorporated into our everyday life, and have some way to hold yourself accountable to them. Think about the things that could happen in and through you in 2019! Christ is waiting and ready to help you make a difference in your world this year!

Lord, I want to reach new heights this year and I want to glorify You. Would You show me where you want my focus to be? Help me to choose well and to be a proper representation of You this year. Thank You for fresh beginnings. Amen.

Question: How will you answer the questions above?

By Mike Woodard
used by permission

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