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Your Map is Putting You in Danger!

What map are you using for your life journey? Is it an old map that seems to be putting you in difficult, even dangerous situations? Is it time for a new map?

When my daughter was 16, she and I decided to do a 7 day backpacking trip on the West Coast Trail of Vancouver Island.  I had a very old map of the trail, and being very frugal, I decided that the cost of a new edition of the map was not a necessary expense. What I did not know was that since the last printing of the map, several parts of the trail along the ocean had changed!

On the second day, we found ourselves in difficult, if not dangerous situations two different times, because the old map we were using was not accurate. At one point, we had to climb a rock face to get off the beach to escape the rising tide. As we described our day and showed the cuts and bruises we had to show for our climb to another hiker he commented, “Your map is putting you in danger!” He and his friend had two current maps, so they insisted we take one. They in fact, ended up joining us for the rest of the hike. I’m not sure if it was because they liked our company or were worried about our safety? I’m happy to report that with the new map, we successfully completed the trail and created many memorable moments.

What map are you using for your life journey? Is it an old map that seems to be putting you in difficult, even dangerous situations? Is it time for a new map? Maybe it’s also time to find someone to walk part of the trail with you!

The Bible is a wonderful blue print for life. When one become a Christ follower, God gives his Spirit to direct and empower his followers. I have become convinced that success in life is only really possible by knowing the author of life who designed us in the first place and who knows all the secrets of life.  Following His loving direction is a good choice. The path is far too complicated to complete on my own without a good map and guide.

A person’s steps are made secure by the Lord when they delight in his way.  Though they trip up, they won’t be thrown down, because the Lord holds their hand.” – Psalms 37:22-24 (CEB)

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

Brevity of Life

What is Your Standard for Living?

•  Salvation Explained

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