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Gardening with a Two Year Old

by Mike Woodard

Christian devotionalsThis spring our grandson was visiting on a nice sunny day so the two of us went to the back yard to do some clean up. The task would have gone faster without the help of a two year old but for the delight of being together I invited him to join me.

I learned two lessons from a two year old child’s perspective that day. In the middle of the afternoon it started to snow, one of those spring squalls that produce large flakes of snow. Domonic turned to me with a big smile and said, “Me chase snow!” He proceeded to run, turning in circles, laughing all the time while attempting to catch the snow flakes. His joy was infectious! The lesson I learned in watching him was that we need to enjoy the moments that God gives.

The second lesson Domonic taught me had to do with his wanting to help me  In the clean up process we filled several baskets with debris. I started to carry the first one away when Domonic said, “Me help.”? I really did not need his help but I let him take hold of the basket.  He didn’t really have the strength to help, but I let him do it even though I had to slow down.  It gave him great pleasure to help his Papa!

I began to think about how God views us. I do not claim to be a theologian, but I am convinced that God does not really need our help. The fact that God invites us to join him in his work is because he delights in the relationship with us and knows we will be satisfied in that partnership with him. In my desire to help God, I am very much like a two year old trying to help his Papa.

So the lessons from a two year old that I learned that day were to enjoy each moment God gives, even though there is a task to be done, and to understand that God desires and delights in our relationship with him.

For you make me glad by your deeds, O LORD;
I sing for joy at the works of your hands.

How great are your works, O LORD,
how profound your thoughts!
  Psalm 92:4-5 (NIV)

I call on you, O God, for you will answer me;
give ear to me and hear my prayer.

Show the wonder of your great love,
you who save by your right hand
those who take refuge in you from their foes.

Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings
Psalm 17:6-8 (NIV)

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