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They Say that I’m Nothing, but I’m Something

They Say that I’m Nothing, but I’m Something

They say I’m poor,

They say I’m nothing.

They say I’m poor and they say I’m nothing because I’ve got nothing to offer to any living soul.

I’ve got no money, no food, no child, no wife nor husband and no home to go home to that is because I’ve got no money.

But I say I’m blessed

I’m blessed because God told me so.

He loves me the same way he loves every life on earth. I’m blessed because I’m still alive.

I breathe the same air that rich men breathe,

I walk on the same ground that rich men walk . . . therefore  I am no different.

I am rich with life

I am rich with love

I’m rich with hope that one day they will see the beauty that God treasured in me because I am something indeed


By Londeka Zondi
a 19 year old from South Africa

Have you ever opened up your heart to God and asked Him to enable you to become the person He created you to be?  If you would like to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, you can say this sample prayer:

Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make the kind of person You want me to be. Amen.

This is how it starts.  One simple prayer of surrender.

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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About L. Zondi

My name is Londeka Zondi, I am a 19 year old teenage girl but I like calling myself Angel (the healer of broken hearts & umxolisi wezidangeleyo) I live in South Africa where I was born and raised in KwaZulu Natal province in the city of choice Pietermaritzburg. I am a University student in Environmental science course. I love poetry and drama it just part of me, part of my characteristics. I am very fun and out going but in a unique kind of way. I love helping and caring about other people than my self, I would say I SUFFER IN THE SUFFERING OF OTHERS.Well I am the only one in my family who made it to University and my family is trying the best to support me and make them proud.

Every poem I write I like looking at other peoples situations and write them as my own experience, to say I put my self emotionally to how they may feel or think. i believe my poetry can be an instrument to heal others, and I am positively certain that God planted a seed of me being a vessel for his word through poetry. At times when I can’t perform on stage, become blank there, I feel like quitting but then again I remember that it just a channel that I should pass through in order to reach where he wants me to be.

Hope my poetry will touch other souls through out the world, because what makes a person is the people around.

Yours sencerely
L. Zondi (Miss)


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