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Sample Prayers #2

Be for Me the Way

Lord Jesus, be for me the way to Abba, Father.  Be for me all my truth and all my life.  Lead me into the crucified life, which is the real life, the eternal.  Lead me away from every lesser thing.  By Your love, renew my inner being so that I can receive Your love, and know it truly, and be Your love to others. Amen

– A prayer from Ragamuffin Gospel, by Brennan Manning

Dream Again

Lord Jesus, Savior, Servant . . . help me to dream again.  Rekindle in my heart that fire of the disciple who sees his calling everywhere, hears Your invitation everywhere, reaches out to Your children in greata need . . .everywhere. I really do want to live Your life in mine—to serve, to care, to give, to sing Your song—for Your glory and pleasure.  Amen.

– Prayer taken from Ragamuffin Gospel, by Brennan Manning.

Holy Righteous God

Holy, Righteous, and Only Living God, I hold you in the highest place in my heart. Forgive me when I do not hold you in the highest place in my life. Empower me with your Holy Spirit to give up all the little things that distract my allegiance to you and interfere with you being the Supreme and Sovereign God in my day-to-day life. In Jesus name. Amen.

-Phil Ware

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