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In God I Trust

Prayer- In God I Trust

In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. what can mortal man do to me?Psalm 56:4

Thoughts on today’s verse

One of the powerful things about having a Bible, a repository of God’s words, is that its age and varied countries and cultures remind us how enduring God’s truth actually is. Yet it is God in whom we put our trust. His enduring presence through cultures, centuries, and countries reminds us that eternal is outside our grasp, but God holds us in his grasp.

O Great and Eternal God, thank you that you are more stable than the ground on which I stand, more enduring than the mountain peaks I admire, and more constant than the waves upon the oceans. I trust my life and my future and soul with you. Please be pleased, but even more, help me to be constant in faithfulness to you. Through Jesus I ask this prayer. Amen.

by Phil Ware

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