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Have I got Talent?

By Rod Marshall

To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away.”  Matthew 25:15 (ESV)

I skimmed over Matthew’s Gospel parable of the Talents this morning, knowing the parable’s content, yet I gained a new insight.

As someone who has sympathized with the poor chap given a single talent as a reluctant servant, I have always found it a discomfort to see in the seed of his reluctance, his downfall.

Although it has been many a year since I was a RE teacher I taught there is only a single purpose in a parable: a story with a single meaning, to portray the significance to its listeners of the new paradigm Kingdom of God. They are not to be allegorized because they were meant to be vivid and immediate — attention grabbing. Parables simply take you by the hand and guide you over a bridge from our worldly view into His, to illustrate a part of the Kingdom of God on earth through Jesus’ Sonship.

There are various talent search shows in vogue at the present time, both here in Britain and also in the USA. They allow those who seek it, the opportunity to display their talent to the awaiting judges and audiences. They have been a rich vein of entertainment to some.

Today I recognized a complete contrast between the man of the single talent, given according to his ability, and the other servants. They unlike him, but like the hopefuls on the TV, wanted to make the most of what they have been given. They want to be recognized as able, to demonstrate their abilities. To shine, to be lifted up to greater things.

No lime light for me, but neither will I bury my talent in fear, because I know God Loves me and Loves those I meet. He gives to us according to our abilities, so that we can rightly bring forth fruit.

PRAYERLORD, we rejoice in what has been given to us. Let us not be deceived into desiring what is not of You. Grant us courage to mature the gifts given to us so we can be found bearing fruit when you call us to account, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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