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Tag: burdens

March 24, 2023

Will You Make the Exchange?

When we have worry, doubt, and fear clutched tightly in our hands and our hearts are ruled by anxiety, God wants to say something to us of this effect, “Let go of your burdens and give them to me. I will put in your hands that are now empty and open...Joy, Peace, and Freedom.”

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August 23, 2022

Give You Your Bag of Burdens

Worry is the burlap bag of burdens. It’s overflowing with “whaddifs” and “howells.” Whaddif after all my dieting, I find that lettuce is fattening and chocolate isn’t? Howell we pay our baby’s tuition?”

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January 31, 2021

When I Call to You

I believe three things are important: 1) honesty in our prayer life with God, 2) confidence that God hears and cares even when our prayers sizzle with pain and frustration, and 3) genuine praise for God included in our prayers even when things seem bleak.

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April 23, 2020

The Lifter of my Head

Prayer – Lord, my head hangs low with the burdens I am carrying. Be my shield, show me your glory and lift my head up now. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray. Amen!

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March 30, 2020

Carry Each Other’s Burdens

“Carry each others burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 Sometimes I feel so burdened myself, that I can't even see others' burdens. But Jesus reminds me that if I am to be like him, I will be a burden carrier.

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