March 11, 2025
He Saw You
You were on His heart. When He left His home in heaven, He saw you; when He became a man on earth, He was seeking you; when He stretched out His hands upon the cross,
Read more..You were on His heart. When He left His home in heaven, He saw you; when He became a man on earth, He was seeking you; when He stretched out His hands upon the cross,
Read more..Would you consider yourself self-sufficient? Most people would say yes, because from childhood through adulthood, culture teaches us to be self-sustaining individuals.
Read more..I lose sight of that sometimes. In the midst of an ordinary day I forget that I have this incredible hope. When I feel weak, forgotten, worn out or left behind it’s often because I’ve taken my eyes off of the hope that Jesus bought for me on the cross.
Read more..Comfort is of high value! For some, comfort is the determining factor for decisions. Jesus did not live in that world. Jesus wanted discomfort removed but he had a higher priority — to do the will of his Father.
Read more..You are not alone in these trying times or through these difficult circumstances. . In Jesus you have a Warrior who has won the battle,
Read more..A lot of our stress and discouragement is caused either by unfounded or maybe even real fears and anxieties.
Read more..Lord Jesus, I don’t know why you loved me enough to give your life and sacrifice your relationship with your Father to save me and reconcile me to God. I am so grateful that through your obedience you were not only restored to your Father, but you also rescued me. With the hymn writer, I proclaim your amazing love today! Amen.
Read more..To God, we all sound like angry bears and distressed birds when we complain about not getting that promotion, or finding a spouse, or whatever else we feel we deserve. But God isn’t laughing when he hears us moaning and grumbling.
Read more..If you are stressed beyond the breaking point today, I want to pray for you: Lord, I cry out for those that are at the point of breaking. Those that...Continue reading
Read more..With His own pierced hands, Jesus created a pasture for the soul. He pried loose the huge boulders of sin. In their place He planted seeds of grace and dug ponds of mercy.
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