August 30, 2021
One Way
How can we know we are on the correct path, even if it seems to have changed names? By letting someone else drive...God
Read more..How can we know we are on the correct path, even if it seems to have changed names? By letting someone else drive...God
Read more..All the promised blessings in the world cannot make a believer follow God into some frightening places. But that’s where love for our Father comes in, as it compels us toward obedience no matter what is at stake.
Read more..Whatever your specific need is, you will likely find a promise about it in the Bible.
Read more..Dear LORD, as we come to you, listening for your still, small voice, we ask that you help us also to listen for the silent voices of others so that we may bring your love and comfort to them.
Read more..God's greatest blessings often come costumed as disasters. Some of you doubt it. How can God use cancer or death or divorce? Simple. He's smarter than we are.
Read more..Even as we pray for restoration and new life for the suffering people and land, may the sunsets remind us to look to the loving Creator who makes all things new, who brings beauty out of ashes.
Read more..Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Read more..He Holds You God never leaves you alone… He never forgets about you… He looks
Read more..We can calmly take our concerns to God because he is as near as our next breath.
Read more..Start your day with reminding yourself of God's steadfast, unmovable love for you. Before your feet hit the floor in the morning, thank Him for His loving kindness toward you.
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