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Tag: depend

April 26, 2024

Help in Conflict

Father God, Please help me to identify the unmet needs that exist in the conflicts I find myself in. Help me to turn to You to meet the deep needs of my heart.

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April 26, 2024

Be Strong and Courageous

Christians ought to have a courageous spirit so we will glorify the Lord by enduring trials in a heroic manner. If we are fearful and fainthearted, it will dishonour his God.

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April 25, 2024

Prayer at the Worst of Times

If you’re having a rough day today, just open your mouth and tell God one thing you love about him.

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April 25, 2024

God’s Got You

I implore you today not to take trusting God lightly. He will always be by your side. He is a source of strength in our times of weakness. He is a shield and a buckler whenever we find ourselves in danger.

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April 23, 2024


We are free either to love God or not. He invites us to love Him.  He urges us to love Him.  He came that we might love Him. 

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April 23, 2024

Continuous Surrender

If you are like me, the day you were saved is embedded in your mind. You probably remember every detail vividly. Do you remember your expectations of Christianity?

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April 21, 2024

The Best Word of Encouragement

Are you lost for words when comforting a friend? Yes, just one word about the One Who is the Word: “Jesus.”

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April 20, 2024

Healing Prayer for Hurting People

Minister to (my loved one) these precious truths, that… I am free from sin by my Savior. I am free not to respond to the sins of others.

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April 19, 2024

Dirty Oven

As I was scrubbing the oven, I compared the dirty oven with our hearts. People can’t see inside our ovens, or our hearts, but God

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April 18, 2024

Strong Faith/Small Faith

We understand strong faith/small faith all too well. . We have seen God work miracles in our lives. but when “reality” hits, we falter. Just a bit.

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