July 15, 2016
Choices – Being a Chooser!
#Devotional - Choices: You are not born a winner, You are not born a loser, You are born a chooser!
Read more..#Devotional - Choices: You are not born a winner, You are not born a loser, You are born a chooser!
Read more..‘Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path.’ Proverbs 3:5&6
Read more..God Promises to be With Us: In fact, as Psalm 139 declares, we cannot escape His presence. He fully grasps the implications of all the dangers we face.
Read more..God made you in His own image. His light in you is loaded with the richness, magnificence, and knowledge of Himself.
Read more..Thank offerings come easy some days. The sun shines and we feel the blessing of the Lord. Thanksgiving is our natural response.
Read more..Absolute dependence upon God is the secret of power at work. You and I have nothing unless we receive it from Jesus.
Read more..L.I.G.H.T. : letting in God's healing touch. scar tissue is tough. So let in God's healing touch to HEAL that wound, whatever it may be.
Read more..Take Heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 Too often I’m enchanted into thinking that life should be easy. I want it to hum ahead. I want the days to flow beautifully without sticking and clunking and crashing.
Read more..Down, dejected, depressed, determined to carry the weight of the world upon himself, he expressed
Read more..Joshua 5:14 says “Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped.” He was
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