September 30, 2023
A New Quality of Life
What is my number 1 priority as a Christian? The answer is simply: to glorify God.
Read more..What is my number 1 priority as a Christian? The answer is simply: to glorify God.
Read more..The opposite of mercy is judgment. Mercy is not easy for me. My whole character leans toward judgment.
Read more..It is part of God's plan to abase the proud and raise up the humble. Our goal should be committed service for the Savior. We should let Him take care of the honoring and the humbling.
Read more..1. Take no time for margins in your life. Fill your life with so much activity that there is no room to "Be still, cease striving, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). When we live in the tyranny of the urgent, we can be so busy that two-way conversation with God is not a priority. 2. Don't admit that you have any needs.
Read more..Life can be so confusing. We have many choices as we decide the values governing our lives. So how will we find the best way ? and much more importantly, God's way ?
Read more..If you are feeling a bit lost today, seek the Compass-ion of God. Let Him direct your path. He won't steer you wrong.
Read more..Is God calling you to be a comfort to someone? Don’t shoo the thought away when their name enters your head. Pray for them. Then call them,
Read more..God has plans for your life. He knows everything about you. He made you. You can trust Him. He’s always right on time.
Read more..How my heart soars with joy and delight when He opens my eyes to the variety of created things He gives us.
Read more..“As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” John 20:21
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