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Tag: encourage

November 22, 2019

Guard Your Attitude

Guard your attitude. If you concern yourself with your neighbour's talents, you’ll neglect your own. But if you concern yourself with yours, you could inspire both!

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November 19, 2019

Living in the Light

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as

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November 17, 2019

Right Us Again

You shouldn't struggle on your own because, like a sheep, most likely it will be beyond your capability to get right again no matter how hard you try. Press the call button and seek out the Shepherd. He will have compassion and help you get on your feet again, or carry you until you’re strong enough to do so.

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November 16, 2019

He Leads Me

Prayer. As you have shown me time and time again, dear Father, I know that being with you restores me in a place within my heart that no one else can reach.

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November 15, 2019

Hitting Rock Bottom

People “hit rock bottom” when they reach the lowest point of their lives and realize they have nothing else to lose. For some, it’s the only place they can clearly see themselves and their situation and understand how much they need God’s love and mercy to pull out of the rocky pit.

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November 15, 2019

The Highway to Zion

Each of us has times of weeping when our hearts and hopes seem crushed. Because God has placed in our hearts "highways to Zion," however, we pass through valleys; we do not live in them.

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November 14, 2019

Grace, Truth and Acceptance

Jesus shared truth but graciously.  Jesus offered grace but truthfully.  Grace and truth.  Acceptance seeks to offer both.

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November 13, 2019

The Touch That Transforms

Jesus’ Touch Transformed. His approach was personal. Although He had the power to simply speak a word or command illness to leave, He often chose a more hands-on approach.

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November 12, 2019


Comfort is of high value! For some, comfort is the determining factor for decisions. Jesus did not live in that world. Jesus wanted discomfort removed but he had a higher priority — to do the will of his Father.

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November 9, 2019

My Foot is Slipping

“When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety

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