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Tag: faithful

December 10, 2020

Jesus, from Everlasting to Everlasting

Question: What does the fact that Jesus has always existed and will always exist mean for you and me?

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December 8, 2020


Each time you become aware of having sinned, bring it immediately to Jesus, thanking him for his perfect forgiveness of all your sins including that one. Then invite him to transform that area of your life through his Spirit.

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December 8, 2020

A New Heart

God reminds us to turn away from our own self-seeking ways. He calls us to turn to him with a willingness to obey his will. If we refuse, we must know that we are walking the road that leads to death.

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December 7, 2020

The Mingling of Joy and Sorrow

The story of Christmas is one of beauty - and also of impending sorrow. We easily forget that the child of the manger grew up to be the man of the cross. It is at times like this we are reminded to not neglect either aspect of the story.

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December 3, 2020

God Honors Our Commitment to Him

Although we don't know all that God could do in our lives if we'd radically commit ourselves to Him, the thought of missing out on His plans should be enough to motivate us to obey.

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November 30, 2020

The Value of Godliness

Surely, you and I don’t welcome suffering, but it makes us better people if we continue to trust God. While we may not feel better, we become better.And God will reward us with the blessings attached to godliness. 

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November 30, 2020

Where Grace Abounds?

If a recently released Christian prisoner came to your church, would he feel welcome? Would you welcome him?

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November 29, 2020

Growing Through Our Adversity

What would happen if you approached a fork in the road and found two signs—one reading “Road of Comfort” and the other, “Road of Adversity”?

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November 28, 2020

By Definition

In the midst of healing from a profound heartbreak, the clarity and depth of God’s love burned through me as ferociously as the moment I first received Christ into my life. The intensity of his love significantly transformed my thinking.

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November 28, 2020

God is a Redeemer

God is a Redeemer;He bought us with a great price,He rescues and breaks the chains of bondage,He finds us and brings us home.God is a Restorer;He returns what was destroyed andreplaces what was stolen.

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