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Tag: faithful

January 3, 2010

Intercessory Worship

by Sylvia Gunter Do you feel that God promised you something, and it has been

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December 30, 2009

A Good Work

by Max Lucado “He who began a good work in you will carry it on

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December 22, 2009

Glory to God in the Highest!

by Max Lucado “Glory to God in the highest!” Luke 2:14 (NKJV) For the shepherds

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December 16, 2009

Just a Moment

by Max Lucado It all happened in a moment, a most remarkable moment. As moments

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November 26, 2009

More Than You Need

by Dr. Bill Bright “God is able to make it up to you by giving

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November 20, 2009

He Welcomes You

by Dr. Bill Bright “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden,

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November 18, 2009

What Do You Want Jesus to Say?

by Katherine Kehler “Master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant” Matthew 25:23 One evening,

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November 17, 2009

Unfailing Love

by Max Lucado “Love,� Paul says, “never fails� (1 Corinthians 13:8 NIV). The verb Paul

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November 9, 2009

Never Too Busy

by Dr. Bill Bright “He will listen to the prayers of the destitute for He

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September 23, 2009

The God You Need

by Max Lucado ________________________________________________________ “The LORD created the heavens.  He is the God who formed

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