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Tag: faithful

September 1, 2023

Into the Heavens

It is not always easy to see the love God has for us. We often hide ourselves from His love behind a cloud of guilt or in a fog of doubt.

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September 1, 2023

No Limit to His Love

When asked to describe the width of his love, he stretched one hand to the right and the other to the left and had them nailed in that position so you would know he died loving you.

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August 30, 2023

The Easy Yoke

When I was young I thought a godly life meant avoiding things that others in town enjoyed freely. I was on the outside looking in as my youthful peers spoke of their first cigarette, drink, and engagements with girls. Their lives seemed carefree, and mine a burden.

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August 29, 2023

Choose Carefully

Do you ever feel like God has not lived up to your expectation in some particular circumstance of your life? Perhaps you have believed… yet nothing has happened. When you feel confused and wondering if God has let you down, you have a choice to make.

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August 26, 2023

In Everything You Do

The "Golden Rule" is so straightforward, isn't it? Sometimes we make things, especially religious things, far too complicated and complex.

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August 25, 2023


Man needs nothing so much as he needs something to bring life together into total meaning.—E. Stanley Jones

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August 21, 2023

A Heart of Thankfulness

Psalm 107:1 “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever.” Prayer – Lord, may I never forget all the blessings You have given me. Like the Psalmist, help me to be thankful today through a prayer or a song of praise. Amen.

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August 21, 2023

Who Alone is Worthy

As the self-existent One, God is worthy of our praise. Before the world began, He was; in this moment, He is; at any and every future time, He will be. He is holy and unique, unlike any other. God sits enthroned above all heaven and earth.

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August 19, 2023

What’s that Smell?

The Bible talks about the aroma that a believer, who is a captive of Jesus Christ gives off. 

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August 18, 2023

Peace and Faith

Walking in peace, with your heart calm even when life is not, is one of the wonderful benefits of the Christian life.

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