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Tag: faithful

May 11, 2023

God’s Loving Pursuit

Dare we envision a God who follows us? Who pursues us? Who chases us? Who tracks us down and wins us over? Who follows us with "goodness and mercy" all the days of our lives?

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May 11, 2023

Lifted Up

Why are you cast down today?  God gives us hope. We can cling to it. Hold on and believe it.

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May 10, 2023


Poem: Precious. Precious Lord the One who gives Life and sustains me I pause..... Just to love on You..... to bless You ....Make You large in my life.

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May 9, 2023

How to Develop a Heart for God

A hunger for the heavenly Father doesn’t ordinarily appear all of a sudden, fully matured, in one’s heart. Most of the time, it’s something that must be cultivated, and the best place to begin is the Bible. That’s where we listen to the Lord as He speaks to us in His Word.

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May 9, 2023

Open Wide

Imagine if a baby bird decided he would rather fend for himself.  How far would he make it from the nest?  How soon would he require the sustaining influence of his mother’s care again? 

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May 6, 2023

Impatient Heart, Be Still

Have you ever been caught up in any web of impatience? God is a God of time and order. He requires us to uphold that very important Christian virtue – patience.

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May 5, 2023

Nothing You Cannot Do

In short, you have no burden, no problem, no need that is too big for our Lord to handle. “Ye receive not, because ye ask not,”

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May 5, 2023

What’s on Your Mind?

Guarding our thoughts, being sober-minded, and meditating on eternal truth will produce a transformation the Bible calls the “renewing of the mind.”  (Romans 12:2)

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May 4, 2023

God Is Always In Control

Devotional: God is Always in Control. As believers, we must accept that God won’t always make sense to us. Isaiah teaches that His ways and thoughts are higher than our own (Isaiah 55:9). He sees the beautifully completed big picture.

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May 3, 2023

Praise Brings Blessings

I would like to suggest several reasons why I believe praising God so important in the life of the believer.

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