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Tag: faithful

March 28, 2023

Bringing the Message Home

Dear friend, the Bible encourages you to tell others about Jesus whenever and wherever you can.  Long distance, or right next door, take advantage of every opportunity God gives you.

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March 27, 2023

The Benefits of Acquiring Godly Wisdom

Several benefits of acquiring godly wisdom include: living a godly life, growing spiritually, finding your purpose, living peacefully and being an enormous light to a hurting world.

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March 27, 2023

Meditation for Spiritual Growth

"I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways." Psalm 119:15 There are times when solitude is better than community, and silence is wiser than speech. We will be better Christians if we take more time to be "alone" with God, and gathering spiritual strength through meditation on His Word ...

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March 26, 2023

A Heavenly Affirmation

Each of us has a fantasy that our family will be like the Walton's, an expectation that our dearest friends will be our next of kin. Jesus didn't have that expectation.

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March 24, 2023

Will You Make the Exchange?

When we have worry, doubt, and fear clutched tightly in our hands and our hearts are ruled by anxiety, God wants to say something to us of this effect, “Let go of your burdens and give them to me. I will put in your hands that are now empty and open...Joy, Peace, and Freedom.”

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March 24, 2023

The Riches of God’s Grace

Do you think of yourself as rich? No matter how much money you have, if you're a believer in Jesus, you're extremely wealthy because God has lavished the riches of His grace upon you.

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March 23, 2023

Be Recharged

As Christians, we need to stay connected to our power source. Father, I thank you for the power and the strength that you provide us. I pray that we will not take lightly what you have made available to us.

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March 23, 2023

God is Love

If God did not lovingly and tenderly correct us, none of us could survive before his awesome perfection. God is love!

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March 22, 2023

We’re Adopted

Influences, people, events, even abuse from the past leave scars. But God stands ready to provide all that is necessary to transform us into “new creatures.”

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March 21, 2023

Fear of Rejection

Dear one, God IS real - and He will never ever reject you.

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