November 20, 2022
What God Thinks about You
What do you think God thinks about you? Psalm 139 depicts God’s intimate, articulate, and unflinching knowledge of the detailed expanse we call our lives.
Read more..What do you think God thinks about you? Psalm 139 depicts God’s intimate, articulate, and unflinching knowledge of the detailed expanse we call our lives.
Read more.."Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen." Jude 1:24-25
Read more..Jesus’ goal is not to condemn us for our distrust; rather, it is to expose our faulty beliefs so we will abandon them and move deeper into our relationship with him.
Read more..Psalm 40:2b “He set my feet upon a rock, steadying my footsteps and establishing my path.” Father, teach me to rest in your unfailing love. I admit I get lost trying to find my way through life’s ups and downs. I don’t always know where to go or what to think.
Read more..God knows that these 5 steps will take us a long way in experiencing His wonderful grace. Name your uncertainty and pray the following prayer.
Read more..In a life of faith there are moments that we realize the trail is a “walk into darkness.” The fear of the “limited vision” is real
Read more..Loneliness. Could it be one of God’s finest gifts? Scripture says, “Perfect love casts out fear.”
Read more..Do you sometimes wonder why bad things happen to good people? Are you confused by what’s happening in your life? Do you wonder where is God in all this?
Read more..This year, the world has been turned upside-down because of the Covid-19 pandemic, violent protests, riots, and hatefulness directed against those who believe in Jesus Christ. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and allow fear to gnaw a hole in our faith.
Read more..I kept hearing about others in Christian ministry who were “burning out” because they took on too much. I kept wondering how this could happen
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