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Tag: fear

September 1, 2021

Take Your Cue from Fear and Trust God

Fear stalked me like a lion seeking prey, ready to pounce at any moment. It was a paralyzing terror that threatened to overwhelm me, especially in the dark hours of the night.

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August 27, 2021

Learning to Trust the Master

God's greatest blessings often come costumed as disasters. Some of you doubt it. How can God use cancer or death or divorce? Simple. He's smarter than we are.

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August 23, 2021

We will not Fear

Prayer: Father, Thank You for being our refuge and strength. Thank You for Your abiding presence. Grant us the faith to trust You with our uncertainties. Grant us the faith that swallows fear, for Your Name's sake. Amen.

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August 16, 2021

Practice the Present

God promises throughout His Word that He has got our future under control and has amazing plans for us. He knows our past and can use it for great things. Our focus needs to be in the present. Here. Right now. This moment. Today, I can enjoy His presence anxiety-free and experience His blessings, while leaving the future and the past to Him.

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July 29, 2021

Don’t Be Afraid, Just Believe

Isaiah 41:13 For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

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July 17, 2021

Fear or Faith?

Faith vanishes fear. Faith empowers us because we know God is in control and He will, as it states in Romans, work things out for the good for those who believe (8:28). Our relationship with God determines our view of the world.

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June 15, 2021

What Are You Looking For?

Jesus asked the disciple, “What are you looking for?” His questions are always penetrating. Our Lord is probing their hearts again.

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April 24, 2021

Declaring War on Ungratefulness and Grumbling

God Has a Problem with Grumblers. Paul warned, "Nor let us . .  grumble, as [Israel] did, and were destroyed by the destroyer" (1 Corinthians 10:9-10).

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April 11, 2021

6 Verses When You need to be Brave

To act bravely is to meet or face something with courage; to act with courage is to make the choice to proceed with confidence, despite fear, adversity, intimidation, or feeling uncomfortable or judged. Being brave doesn’t mean the threat is gone, it means we don’t let it stop us.

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March 24, 2021

Fear of Man

When we try to please others, when we fear what others may say or do to us, we place ourselves in a position of great vulnerability. Our lives no longer remain our own.

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