July 25, 2024
Jesus, Others, You
The perfect formula for JOY is “Jesus, Others, You.” When you put Jesus first in your life, you stay with Him and have the joy He promised His followers.
Read more..The perfect formula for JOY is “Jesus, Others, You.” When you put Jesus first in your life, you stay with Him and have the joy He promised His followers.
Read more.."Let me know Your ways that I may know You. Show me Your glory. Go among us"
Read more..Lord, Open my eyes that I might see the mission field before me and then give me the conviction and the courage to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Amen.
Read more..What would happen if we accepted our place as Son reflectors? How can we be bumped off self-center?
Read more..Think of a part of your life that you have kept dim; maybe it’s the side of you that comes out at your child’s sporting events or when you take a night off with your friends, or even your workplace. Intentionally bring a little light into those places this week by using positive speech, unconditional love, and the name of Jesus!
Read more..Church Oak doors—designed for welcome—often become a barrier instead of an entrance. Street people with their backpacks and homeless teens roam the streets regularly pass those doors.
Read more..“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!” Psalm 139:17
Read more..The Light shone brightly in the splendor of Heaven.Then looking down upon His creation Abba Father ...
Read more..I think many of us approach prayer as if God is our great Santa Claus in the sky and we’re disillusioned when He doesn’t come through for us.
Read more.."Was our friend an angel as described in the book of Hebrews? He didn’t look particularly angelic, but his presence brought blessing that we recall to this very day."
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