September 12, 2024
Walking by Faith
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Genesis 2:15
Read more..“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Genesis 2:15
Read more..“Be delighted with the Lord.” Psalm 37:4a. Looking out the window of our friend’s boat while traveling up the inner passage of the west coast of British Columbia, I was completely awed by God’s creation. The acres of lush green forests, the rhythm of tides and currents, ...
Read more..What would happen if we accepted our place as Son reflectors? How can we be bumped off self-center?
Read more..God took this nobody of a girl and turned her into a somebody. And He can do the same for you!
Read more..Oh the joy of the refreshing presence of Jesus, clear and distinct to us once more as we come into His presence and ask forgiveness by His Grace.
Read more..Today's Action Point: Recognizing myself as God's steward, I will prayerfully seek to learn what He would have me to d
Read more..The vast expanse of creation captivated David, and instinctively he knew that God, who created it all, was his God and he could trust Him with his life.
Read more..Heavenly Father, We thank you for Jesus who came as the light that we may have the 'Light of life' and that we can let Him shine through us, giving light to this dark world. In Jesus name, amen."
Read more..The reason so many of us get stuck, unable to move deeper into intimacy with God is because we don’t think it’s truly possible, at least for us. And so we don’t even try.
Read more..God means what He says. God is serious with us in the matter of complete obedience. W
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