February 1, 2021
Our One and Only Guide
“A man’s steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand his own way?” Proverbs 20:24
Read more..“A man’s steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand his own way?” Proverbs 20:24
Read more..Never consider the silence of God to be the rejection by God. He knows the perfect timing for the maximum effect.
Read more..I wonder if I will ever be satisfied with God rather than constantly longing for what God offers. Sanctuary in the Wilderness
Read more..With the Lord as our helper, mere man can do nothing to us or against us except that which God permits (Acts 4:28). Whatever trials we face, the fact remains that God will be our protector and friend in and through them all.
Read more..Whenever I get to a place where life seems more than I can handle, there’s that still, small voice that nudges me: “Remember, be still & know that I am God..”
Read more..What is suffering? Elisabeth Elliot describes suffering asn “wanting what you don’t have and having what you don’t want.”
Read more..It is so easy to see our own flaws and shortcomings. But when God sees us He doesn’t only see what we’ve done, He sees who we are. There are two sides to confession. Agree with God about what you have done and repent, but don’t miss the other side. Agree with God about who you are: loved and wanted and precious and worth dying for.
Read more..When We Dare to Let God be For Us: Dare to let God be for you all He has said He will be. Faith that rests will watch God work. Every time.
Read more..1 Samuel 16:7 says, “. . .man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Read more..Fear saps our will power and leaves us feeling depleted and hopeless. Yet very few of us have ever experienced a defeat so complete and bitter as the one God's people faced when Isaiah shared this message of hope.
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