May 11, 2021
You Are Unique
We shouldn’t waste a precious minute of life doing things that don’t matter if that means the most important thing we can do is left undone.
Read more..We shouldn’t waste a precious minute of life doing things that don’t matter if that means the most important thing we can do is left undone.
Read more..What guards your heart? What protects your mind? Did you know that the peace of God can stand guard over our hearts and minds?
Read more..When tempted to react angrily to someone else, ask the Holy Spirit to help you exercise self-control and look at that person with compassion.
Read more..Lord God, train us to walk on your path. Teach us to see you in situations that are dangerous and difficult. Like David, when we are surrounded by overwhelming challenges may our thoughts and words turn first to you. Rather than discuss the problem, remind us to discuss you. May our first thought in the morning and our last thought at night be centered on you. Rather than worry about the impossibilities, let us major in your mighty power. When we am tempted to look at the giants in our lives, we will choose to look at you, amen.
Read more..The Lord has many rewards available to us when we abide patiently in His will.
Read more..One of the most poignant scenes of scripture is when Jesus kneels to wash the feet of his disciples. While it may be tempting to rush past this event, to hear the words of institution or go with Christ to Gethsemane, we would do well to sit and observe the Lord’s humble action.
Read more..I keep a running list of love notes. God’s love notes. Because unless He keeps telling me He loves me, my human heart stops believing it.
Read more..None of us likes to be weak, do we? From small up we’ve been trained to “be strong.” “Show them that you can do it!”
Read more..“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.”
Read more..As spring unfolds across the Northern Hemisphere this month, may we pause to observe the wonder of the newness of life.
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