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Tag: grace

April 25, 2024

Prayer at the Worst of Times

If you’re having a rough day today, just open your mouth and tell God one thing you love about him.

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April 24, 2024


I have always loved walking along the beach, or through a paddock, or searching through disused quarries. Why?  Well, I love stones and pebbles.  Each one is different whether it is their size, their color, even broken rocks have their inner beauty and it is often only when they are broken that you can see

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April 24, 2024

The Small Stuff

God doesn’t need our praise, He doesn’t need our good works, and He doesn’t need to be validated for a job well done.

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April 23, 2024


We are free either to love God or not. He invites us to love Him.  He urges us to love Him.  He came that we might love Him. 

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April 21, 2024

Just a Little Kindness

Do you know the secret to a lasting marriage? Kindness! It is a choice that we all make on a daily basis, but it is like giving water to a thirsty soul, knowing how thirsty we have also been in the past.

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April 20, 2024

The Plans I Have for You

"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

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April 19, 2024


Confession!  It’s a word that conjures up many images—some not so positive.

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April 19, 2024

Dirty Oven

As I was scrubbing the oven, I compared the dirty oven with our hearts. People can’t see inside our ovens, or our hearts, but God

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April 17, 2024

Return to Me

An old friend listened as Lisa unfolded the past two years.The friend responded with the story of the prodigal son and reassuringly added, "God the Father is so glad you're back!"

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April 16, 2024

Facing Changes

They say change is the only constant in life. Some changes we like, others burden us down. Here are some principles I’ve learned

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