May 26, 2020
I Messed Up
Thunderbolts of regret can ignite and consume you. What makes the difference? Counteract them with downpours of God’s grace, daily washings of forgiveness.
Read more..Thunderbolts of regret can ignite and consume you. What makes the difference? Counteract them with downpours of God’s grace, daily washings of forgiveness.
Read more..In a world that has many uncertainties the words from Psalm 147 can bring comfort. God is big enough to comfort His child in the midst of all possible fears!
Read more..Certain races are optional. Other races are essential—like the race of faith.
Read more..One of my close friends suffers from chronic headaches. She lives with pain. It is something I am, thankfully, rather unfamiliar with. Her suffering, however, has introduced me to the huge realm of those who suffer from severe pain.
Read more..The Bible says in Romans 8:28 that “in everything God works for the good of those who love Him.” Do this simple exercise. Remove the word 'everything' and replace it with the symbol of your tragedy.
Read more..The great privilege that separated Israel from other nations was this: They had God dwelling in their midst
Read more..In hardships, stay focused, pursue peace and never lose sight of the guaranteed of victory.
Read more..One thing you can say about the world we live in is that it’s a noisy place. Silence is not always easy to find.
Read more..On my good days I begin my morning with a cup of coffee and a conversation with God. I look ahead into the day and make my requests. I am meeting with so-and-so at 10:00AM. Would you give me wisdom? This afternoon I need to finish my sermon. Would you please go ahead of me?
Read more..A few years ago in my journey toward healthy living, I came to a game-changing realization. Despite my efforts to the contrary, I was a very unstable person.
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