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Tag: grace

July 23, 2013

Not Guilty

by Max Lucado Sometimes shame is private. Pushed over the edge by an abusive spouse.

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July 23, 2013

Keep Going

by Gail Rodgers Have you ever found your faith to be in a dry spell

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July 18, 2013


by Terry Stead Isn’t our memory an amazing thing?  I am at an age now

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July 12, 2013

The World Needs Servants

by Max Lucado “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to

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July 7, 2013

Secret of a Rubber Band

by Marilyn Ehle ‘Remember how the Lord your God led you.”(Deuteronomy 8:6) ‘Remember the wonders

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June 28, 2013

Bezalel: A Man in God’s Plan

by Marilyn Ehle

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June 16, 2013

The Lord My Rock

by Phil Ware “Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the

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June 14, 2013

News Travels Fast

by Marilyn Ehle “When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those

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June 14, 2013

Beautiful Feet

by Alec Niemi “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans

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