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Tag: grace

September 6, 2023

What is that in Your Hand?

What's in your hand? What have you been leaning on all these years? Is it a natural ability? Is it a drug? Is it something you're good at? Is it your reputation (or lack of one)?

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September 6, 2023

Serving Faithfully and Fully

Even as a slave, Joseph trusted God and remained faithful and served diligently, showing Potiphar that God was real.

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September 4, 2023

His Weakest are Indispensable

Do you sometimes feel like you are not needed? You are. Paul explains that the body of Christ includes many parts — all needed and necessary.

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September 3, 2023


Expectations. We all have them. We may call them by a different name – hopes, dreams, visions for the future, a reason to set goals today.

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September 2, 2023

Christ in Me

“Examine yourselves to see if your faith is really genuine.” 2 Corinthians 13:5 What a difference it would make if we could take time every morning to focus on the thought.  Christ is in me.

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September 1, 2023

Into the Heavens

It is not always easy to see the love God has for us. We often hide ourselves from His love behind a cloud of guilt or in a fog of doubt.

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August 31, 2023

Win the Argument Yet Lose

There are times when one thinks they’ve won an argument but still wind up the loser in the end. The loss comes from not watching the tongue.

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August 31, 2023

Words of Blessing

here is so much power in our tongue. We can shape and build lives with words that strengthen and give life.

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August 30, 2023

The Easy Yoke

When I was young I thought a godly life meant avoiding things that others in town enjoyed freely. I was on the outside looking in as my youthful peers spoke of their first cigarette, drink, and engagements with girls. Their lives seemed carefree, and mine a burden.

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August 28, 2023


Once a newborn infant starts to seek your face, the relationship journey begins. These precious bundle takes comfort in connecting with you and being in your loving arms,

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