September 15, 2022
When Peace Eludes You
Father God, today I ask You to forgive me for the places in my heart where I have allowed Your peace to be pushed aside by my own self issues.
Read more..Father God, today I ask You to forgive me for the places in my heart where I have allowed Your peace to be pushed aside by my own self issues.
Read more..Think of it: the Creator of the universe loves us! It’s not love at a distance, but He’s actually involved in our lives. He’s walking with us.
Read more..John 1:5 “God is Light” Psalm 27:1 “The LORD is my Light” Remember, it is the ardent longing of your heavenly Father that you should dwell and rejoice in His light. So, do not rest until you know that the light of His countenance and His blessing is resting on you.
Read more..hen I surrendered my idol of the extraordinary, I was able to appreciate God’s hand in the small and the not-so-small moments of my life.
Read more..His strongest grace Is for your weakest moment; His sweetest fellowship Is for your loneliest journey;
Read more..Father, Thank you for the promise that you will never leave me nor forsake me. God is always there.
Read more..Do you feel nudged to forgive people who have hurt you? Or do you want to nurse your ego by not forgiving?
Read more..Freedom of Forgiveness: The church is full of sinners. Christ longs to show compassion toward us all. “So there is now no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus”
Read more..Yes, dear one, God DOES have a wonderful plan for your life! Completely trust Him.
Read more..Questions: Is there someone in your life who deserves a second chance? Is it time to find forgiveness for them, regardless of how they've hurt you in the past?
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