January 18, 2022
A Real Friend
You don’t abandon a friend -not even when that friend is dead. John stayed close to Jesus.
Read more..You don’t abandon a friend -not even when that friend is dead. John stayed close to Jesus.
Read more..Seeking God’s will acknowledges he has more knowledge than we do and that his plan for us is best.
Read more..Lord Jesus, thank You for making a bold commitment to me by becoming like a slave to change my history, now and eternally. Thank You for Your willingness to die, then rise again, for me.
Read more.."Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
Read more..Our trust is in God. There is much failure in self-assurance. We must not rest upon anything that's human. God has promised to be with us at all times, and to make the path straight, and to make a way through the mountains.
Read more..Dear Father, may people see the character and likeness of Jesus in me today.
Read more..Father God, I ask right now that You would help me to grow in having my heart filled with overflowing love for You. Keep me growing in my understanding of that love and how your Truth can help me avoid error in my own life.
Read more..Prayer. My Father, what a wonderful God You are. My children (and I) are handmade by You. You are our designer.
Read more..Holy God, thank you for reminding me of the great hope that I have in Jesus. May I always keep that hope in the forefront of my mind and may that hope make me bold. Amen.
Read more..Heavenly Father, help us to seek to be transformed into a beautiful reflection of your love and glory. And once transformed, help us never to forget to offer thanks for making us more like Christ. Amen.
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