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Tag: Holy Spirit

April 10, 2024

He Will Cover You

“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge..”. Psalm 91:4

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April 9, 2024

Buried in Grace

Thought— Write down the dark things that still tempt you. Hold the list up to the light and see it shining through your handwriting. Then present the list to Jesus in prayer and rip it up.

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April 9, 2024

The Relentless Tide of Gods Love

“I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.” Psalm 52:8b Father God, Thank you that Your love never ceases. Thank you for washing over my life with Your amazing love and grace.

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April 8, 2024

Get Rid of Guilt

We need not walk with feelings of guilt. Christ has set us free from guilt and sin. Let’s walk in the freedom of forgiveness. Father, thank You for freeing us from all guilt and sin through Your Son’s death on the cross. Enable us to walk in the freedom of forgiveness. Amen.

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April 8, 2024

Instant Forgiveness; Lingering Consequences

With repentance and confession, God forgives instantly. But He doesn’t remove the consequences of our sin. We have to live with those consequences.

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April 7, 2024

Never Abandoned

God Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake you, nor let you down, I will not relax my hold on you! Assuredly not! (Hebrews 13: 5,6 Amplified.)

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April 7, 2024

When We Feel Helpless

Have you ever considered that spiritual rescue is even more important than physical deliverance?

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April 6, 2024

One with God

How would you define intimacy? Is it possible for us to experience oneness with the Lord?

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April 4, 2024

A Guide for Our Steps

“Heavenly Father may our steps be established by you and our acts of goodness strengthened by you so that you might be delighted and that we might enjoy your blessing and joy. In Jesus name amen.”

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April 3, 2024

When You Face a Wall of Fear

Perhaps standing before you is a wall of fear.  Brick upon brick of anxiety and dread. Haunting you are the kings of confusion.  “Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. ” (1 John 4:17).

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