December 11, 2020
Divine Appointments
My seat was in row thirty-seven, a window seat in the back of the plane. The seat beside me had an “occupied” sign on it, so I knew that the occupant must have boarded the plane in another city.
Read more..My seat was in row thirty-seven, a window seat in the back of the plane. The seat beside me had an “occupied” sign on it, so I knew that the occupant must have boarded the plane in another city.
Read more..Each time you become aware of having sinned, bring it immediately to Jesus, thanking him for his perfect forgiveness of all your sins including that one. Then invite him to transform that area of your life through his Spirit.
Read more..God reminds us to turn away from our own self-seeking ways. He calls us to turn to him with a willingness to obey his will. If we refuse, we must know that we are walking the road that leads to death.
Read more..Thought: I'm not good at waiting. But, my hope in the Lord gives me patience that is beyond my human tendency.
Read more..The story of Christmas is one of beauty - and also of impending sorrow. We easily forget that the child of the manger grew up to be the man of the cross. It is at times like this we are reminded to not neglect either aspect of the story.
Read more..Today’s thought is my personal testimony. 11 months ago I suffered a minor stroke and also Bell’s palsy at the same time which is quite rare. I went through barrages of tests and X-rays with the final upshot being that I had indeed had both at almost the same time.
Read more..s children of God, we have the ability to obey God’s laws if we are filled continually with the Holy Spirit and refuse to obey the old evil nature within us. Question: Thinking back to what’s happened in your life today (or yesterday if you’re reading this early in the morning!) what can you give God praise for?
Read more..Jesus says, “Make yourselves at home in My love.” We don’t need to go looking for home; we may simply come home to Jesus.
Read more..Surely, you and I don’t welcome suffering, but it makes us better people if we continue to trust God. While we may not feel better, we become better.And God will reward us with the blessings attached to godliness.
Read more..What would happen if you approached a fork in the road and found two signs—one reading “Road of Comfort” and the other, “Road of Adversity”?
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