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Tag: Holy Spirit

August 29, 2024

Giving with Strings Attached

A woman we’ll call Marie loved to give things away. When I was a child, I frequently was the recipient of her gifts.

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August 27, 2024

Twelve Things Jesus is to Me

Twelve Things Jesus is to Me. Jesus is…My Shepherd who always leads me to a prepared place; My Truth who has never misspoken;

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August 26, 2024

The Results of Insecurity

After a while, insecure people typically get angry. When they go so long feeling so poorly about themselves, they start to resent the success and happiness of others.

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August 25, 2024

A Mother, a Stroller and a Baby

It was Sunday morning and we were having coffee and a bagel at the local coffee shop before we went to church.  A young woman walked into the coffee shop, wheeling her baby in a stroller. 

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August 23, 2024

The Upside Down Life

“Blessed are..” (the unlikely ones) Read: Matthew 6 Fighting an uphill battle. Going against the

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August 22, 2024

Programmed Seashells

“Who decreed the boundaries of the seas when they gushed from the depths? Who clothed

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August 21, 2024

Hard Hearted

"Blessed be the name of the Lord", because this disease of the heart is not incurable

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August 21, 2024

Reset Button

We can use the reset button and have fellowship with God again. When we confess and turn from our sin, we can be sure that God will forgive us and cleanse us from all sin (1 John 1:9)

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August 20, 2024

Free Gift

He loves us unconditionally – not because of who we are, but because of who He is.

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August 15, 2024

The Battle Within

Do you long for righteousness but find that self-righteousness keeps getting in the way!

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