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Tag: Holy Spirit

October 5, 2023

What’s Going on in Your Heart?

Have you thought lately about your role as the “gate-keeper” of your heart?

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October 5, 2023

In Him

We were chosen “in Him” before we were even born. It sure makes sense to continue “in Him” then doesn’t it.

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October 4, 2023

Surrounded by God’s Protection

Living in an increasingly insecure world has its real challenges. Dangers, terrorism, new strains of viruses, economic struggles and broken/displaced families surround us on all sides. In the midst of these tensions ....

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October 4, 2023

The Lord of Heaven’s Armies

This past year a group of ladies from our church decided to take God at His Word and pray the impossible.

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October 3, 2023

Contentment in October

Where I live October is a transition month. By October summer is all put away. The lawnmower sits idle in the shed, and deck chairs lean against the back of the house. Annual flowers once in full bloom now rot in compost piles, ...

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October 2, 2023

Just Say the Word

And then this pagan, this man of the world, comes to him and simply says, “Just say the word”.  That’s all it will take. That alone, he believed, would raise the dead, heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing.

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October 2, 2023

Mouthing the Words

If you see someone in need, reach out in love. Find ways to ease their pain, hold their hand, or just listen without judgment.

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October 1, 2023

God’s Help during Temptation

As we look back over our spiritual journey we see that the end of our way was the beginning of God's way.

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October 1, 2023

A Fortunate Lesson

The next time you read your horoscope or crack open a fortune cookie, think about it.  God is a jealous god.

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September 30, 2023

A New Quality of Life

What is my number 1 priority as a Christian? The answer is simply: to glorify God.

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