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Tag: Holy Spirit

February 16, 2023

His Spirit Tells Us

"What is the greatest thing that has ever happened to you since you became a Christian?" The answer invariably has been: "To experience the reality, power, control and fruit of the Holy Spirit."

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February 15, 2023


For in all your moments, He is therein goodness, in kindness, in love. "Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..

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February 15, 2023

Be In the Moment

Lord, help me not give in to fear when speaking about you. Give me confidence in the Spirit’s ability to give me the right words to say at the right time. Amen.

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February 13, 2023

The Real Meaning of Love

Love! In the week of Valentine's Day, we want to remember the real meaning of love.

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February 13, 2023

Knowing Him Better

Father God, I thank you that You are willing and able to give me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that I may know you better right where I walk today. I ask for Your wisdom and revelation. I want to know you better.

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February 12, 2023

Pursuing Shalom

We've all struggled with life’s adversities to some extent. In John 14:27 Jesus says “Peace I leave with you; my peace [shalom] I give you. Heavenly Father, protect my heart from trouble and help me to pursue your presence.

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February 11, 2023

Imitators of God

Abba Father, I will never fully understand how you could love me so much that you would allow your son to die for me as my sacrifice.

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February 10, 2023

Giving Freely to Others

How can you freely give to others in the way that God has freely given you all that you need for his Kingdom work?

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February 10, 2023

A Servant Heart

The preoccupation with self today is readily seen in slogans like, “Be all you can be.” Simply put, our modern day society (and this includes a great number of Christians) is focused on making satisfaction its goal.

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February 9, 2023

Disarming Anxiety

Disarming Anxiety: How do we disarm anxiety? Stockpile our minds with God thoughts. If birds and flowers fall under the category of God’s care, won’t he care for us as well?

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