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Tag: hope

August 20, 2024

Go Ahead, Re-Gift It

Re-gifting - So the fact you didn’t actually pay for it shouldn’t bother you if you re-wrap it and give it away.

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August 18, 2024

Not an Olympic Event

Unfortunately some people approach Bible reading as an Olympic event: how fast can I read? am I reading more than my friends?

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August 18, 2024

Grizzlies Charging

...four adult grizzly bears were charging down a ridge toward my friends. Fear gripped their hearts. There was no point in running;

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August 17, 2024

Faithful One

I praise God that He takes delight in being the One who is perfectly faithful when we can’t be.

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August 15, 2024

The Battle Within

Do you long for righteousness but find that self-righteousness keeps getting in the way!

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August 13, 2024

That Which Cannot be Broken

Your salvation is one thing no one can snatch out of your hand. "they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.”  John 10:28

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August 12, 2024

Fight, Flight, Freeze …or Faith?

is it possible for Christians to have another response to turmoil in addition to these normal “human-wired” reactions?

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August 10, 2024

The Quest for God

We can be sure that as fervently as we seek God, He seeks us ever more.

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August 10, 2024

I Was Blind but NOW I See

I pray that Jesus will everyday give me better spiritual eyesight to see Him and to see the plan He has for my life!

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August 8, 2024

Ticks on the Clock

All of us are conscious of time, in one way or another. We feel that we don't ever have enough time.

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